Student Support
Daily Classes
The first and best resource for any student to get help with their math work is their regular classes with their classroom teacher. Teachers are subject experts and ready to support student learning. Students are together with their teacher and classmates daily and are encouraged to participate, collaborate and make the most of this regular contact.
Sometimes a student wants additional help outside of regular class lessons. There are a few options.
TVO Mathify
This resource is provided free of charge by the government of Ontario to all Ontario students enrolled in grades 6 through 10. Through the TVO Mathify website, students may receive live, real-time tutoring from screened, qualified teachers as well as have access to numerous other static resources like examples and demonstrations. Registration using your Ontario Education Number (OEN) is required. Any student's OEN may be found on their most recently issued school report card. A link to TVO Mathify is provided to the right.
Math Help
Math Help is offered twice a week after school from 2:15 - 3:15 pm in room 242. It is conducted as an optional, drop-in, homework help centre. Students of all grades are welcome to join for as much or as little of the one hour session as they wish. Both teachers and qualified students volunteer to assist students.
Note: Math Help should not be used as an excuse to miss other scheduled activities such as athletic practices
Numeracy Class
When there is sufficient demand for it, Numeracy Class is offered to provide additional support to grade 9 and 10 math students. Numeracy Class requires students to register and to attend the sessions on a regular basis. The classes are offered each semester beginning in either late October or late March and are conducted twice a week after school, generally on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:15 until 3:30. During the sessions, a qualified math teacher will work with students on the assigned topics of their current math class. Occasionally the Numeracy Class instructor may introduce new techniques or strategies, but will not assign any new homework. There is no cost for participation but regular attendance is expected. Students who are absent regularly may be replaced in the class by any on a waiting list for the class. The latest information and registration forms are available to the right.