Student Success

The Student Success Program at Saint André Bessette provides academic support, mentoring and coaching for non-identified students as they journey through high school.  The amount and type of support will vary for each student's individual needs.  


The Student Success Program can provide an alternative workplace for students to complete assignments, catch up on missing work, or write tests and quizzes.  The Student Success teacher can also provide individual academic or emotional support for students.  The Student Success teacher communicates regularly with the classroom teacher to discover ways to support students to become more successful.  


In addition, the Student Success teacher can help students with strategies and techniques such as:

  • setting goals
  • time management
  • study tips and skills 
  • test taking strategies
  • communication and self-advocacy skills 
Student Success is also available to support students with the transition to secondary school when recommended by the grade 8 teacher/school team or by parent request.
Student Success runs out of Room 116.  
Student Success Teacher  Email 
Mr. Marc Casaubon  [email protected]