
Why Mathematics?
Learning some mathematics is a required part of your general education in Ontario. It is this way for two main reasons. There is the practical reason of learning skills that may be used in some careers like finance, mechanical engineering, statistical analysis, and more.
There is also the very important, but less obvious reason, of learning to be good critical thinkers. Mathematics is a language; a language of reason and logic, where students learn to use facts, rules and procedures to make deductions and draw conclusions. Mathematics trains the brain!

Planning Your Pathway
The Ontario secondary mathematics curriculum consists of 15 different courses from grades 9 to 12. There are a wide variety of 'pathways' to accomodate every student's needs.
Three (3) course credits are required to earn the Ontario High School Diploma. Many students choose to take more than three math courses depending on their plans beyond high school.
Our Guidance Department works with each individual student in helping them choose the best pathway for their success.
Choosing a Grade 9 Math Course
Often the toughest choice of math course is for a grade 8 student making course selections for grade 9. There are two to choose from: Destreamed Grade 9 Math and Every Day Life Math.
It is important to make an informed decision. Seek input from your current teacher and your guardians. Make a choice that suits your abilities and needs while giving you the best chance for success.
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Technology in Our Classrooms
In all of our mathematics classrooms our teachers incorporate a wide variety of technology into the teaching and learning experience.
Wireless tablet and projection is used for lessons and instruction. Online resources are used for demonstration and practice.
All our teachers use our school's virtual learning environment (D2L) for sharing course material and communication.
All our grade 9 students have access to the use of iPads in class on a daily basis and responsible use of personal electronic devices is encouraged.
Grade 9
MAT1L Math for Everyday Life (Locally Developed)
MTH1W Grade 9 Mathematics
Grade 10
MAT2L Math for Everyday Life (Locally Developed)
MFM2P Applied Math
MPM2D Academic Math
Grade 11
MEL3E Math for Work and Everyday Life
MBF3C Foundations for College Mathematics 11
MCF3M Functions and Applications 11
MCR3U Functions 11
Grade 12
MEL4E Math for Work and Everyday Life
MAP4C Foundations for College Mathematics 12
MCT4C Mathematics for College Technology
MDM4U Data
MHF4U Advanced
MCV4U Calculus and Vectors