
Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 school year!
Saint André Bessette 2024 - 2025 Guidance Counsellors:
Student Surnames Guidance Counsellor
A - D (Department Head) J. Lewis
E - K K. Jarvis
L - R L. Clausi
S - Z S. Coombs
Grade 7/8 L. Thompson
Guidance counsellors are available by appointment only. Students can fill out appointment slips in the guidance office. For parent consultations please email counsellors directly to arrange a phone call.
Course changes are very limited this year and must be for important academic reasons only. They are subject to availability and most will not be possible at this time. Reasons for a course change to be considered are:
- missing a prerequisite for any course
- did not take a summer school course as planned and need it added to your timetable
- did take an unplanned summer school course and need to replace it in your timetable
- course required for post-secondary plans
- pathway change (I.e. academic to applied). 
Please see your guidance counsellor if a change is necessary.
Current Volunteer Opportunities:
Link to the form:
Complete and signed community service hours forms can be dropped off to the guidance office
Parents of current students may request a Letter of Confirmation of Enrollment or other needed documentation by contacting the Guidance Office.
Please allow 5-7 business days to process these requests. 


Kids Help Phone Logo
Text to CONNECT 686868 or Call 1-800-668-6868
Local Resources
 Crisis and Intake Team (CIT) 
Ages 0-18: Call 519-433-0334
Reach Out Logo
Ages 16+: Call 519-433-2023 or 1-866-933-2023